The development of a methodology that can capture a wide range of multidisciplinary knowledge.
The requirement to demonstrate repository safety for periods of hundreds of thousands of years (or more) requires development of a methodology that can capture a wide range of multidisciplinary knowledge – along with associated uncertainties – and develop credible scenarios of future evolution.
By utilising advanced knowledge management tools (e.g., within think tanks), assessment can be developed in a top-down manner that facilitates communication between technical and non-technical stakeholders, which can be applied also to a wide range of non-radwaste issues.
Relevant publications include:
- McKinley, I.G., West, J.M. and Hardie, S.M.L. (2022). A Risk Management Perspective on Climate Change: Lessons Learned from the Nuclear Industry. Environmental Management,
- McKinley, I.G., West, J.M. and Hardie, S.M.L. (2021). Risk management for pandemics: a novel approach. Sustainability Science,
- Scourse E.M., Alexander W.R., McKinley I.G., Kawamura H. and Hardie S.M.L. (2013). Learning from Fukushima: a holistic approach to tsunami risk assessment. PSAM - 13, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kawamura H. and McKinley I.G. (2013). Use of scenario analysis to quantify risks to an open repository from major perturbations, PSAM - 13, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kawamura, H., McKinley, I.G., Saito, S. (2011). Hydrothermal scenario development for Japanese geological disposal systems, Proc. IHLRWMC 2011, Volume 2, 2011, Pages 861-866.
- McKinley I.G. and Alexander W.R. (2009). Special issues for coastal sites. In Connor, C. et al. (Eds.) Volcanism, tectonism and siting nuclear facilities, CUP, 509-526.
- Umeki H., Sakabe Y., Ueda H., Takahashi Y., McKinley I. G., Takase H., Shimbo H. and Ijiri Y. (2004). Managing uncertainty on site characteristics for the design of a high-level radioactive waste repository Proc. 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium.
- McKinley I.G., McCombie C. and Zuidema P. (1997). Assessing and presenting risks from deep disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Advances in Safety and Reliability, (Proc. ESREL`97, C. Guedes Soares, ed), 1, 577-582, Pergamon.